Jay Smith

Dr. Jay Smith - The Truth About Islam's Origins

Why did the Palestinians attack Israel on October 7th? - Jay Smith

Uncovering the Truth About Muhammad's Existence - Jay Smith

New Research Puts Doubt To Muhammad's Existence

Abraham Didn’t Build the Ka’aba and Other Rock Issues - Creating the Qur’an with Dr. Jay - E 76

Like A Prayer

Muslim Responds To Jay Smith! Islamic Coins Had Crosses? | Adnan Rashid

Islam's BIG Secret! They Don't Want To Even TALK About It!!!

Bad Romance

The Truth About Islam's Origins - Jay Smith

Here Without You

Home (Truckstops and Airports)

Jay Smith - Every Winter

Dr Jay Smith vs Shaykh Yasir Qadhi (Revisited) | Holes in the standard narrative

Mecca is a Joke!! - Creating the Qur’an with Dr. Jay - Episode 53

Sultans Of Swing by Jay Smith

Enter Sandman

The Truth Behind the Emergence of Islam - Jay Smith

Uncovering the Truth About Islam's Historical Sources - Jay Smith

6. Jay Smith: Yahweh vs Allah and the The Insider Movement

I Want It That Way

1. Jay Smith: An Introduction to Islam in the West

The Qur’an is Clearly Man-Made - Creating the Qur’an with Dr. Jay - Episode 77

Uncovering the Truth About Mecca: Modern Opposition - Jay Smith